Sunday, April 8, 2007

Interview 1 and 2 complete

Well I got my first two interviews out of the way this weekend. The first one was awkward to say the least. Let me try and give some context to these. So I brought the camera to the water polo game I was working out; I figured I would interview my co-workers. We are acquaintances, but not really good friends and one is a senior and the other is junior. Basically, I figured it would be a good start because it would give me some grade variation and not have them be complete strangers.

So, when I say awkward I don't mean horribly bad, never talk to them again, just strange. The answers were all shorter then I would have liked, which is probably just a factor of having a video camera shoved in your face. So while the process was strange, I think I got some decent footage. I got the semi-strange location I wanted, not some fabricated interview room, and the responses to the questions were decent. All and all I learned more than I gained in footage, but thats the way the cookie crumbles.

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